The Costly Mistakes of Estate Planning

By unsworthlawvt (other events)

Thursday, March 16 2023 10:00 AM 11:00 AM EDT

NURSING HOME COSTS: Protect your House, Car, Personal Property, Retirement Accounts, and other assets if you need care. WILLS AND LIVING TRUSTS: Learn the advantages and disadvantages of both, and why choosing the wrong one for you can be a mistake. PROBATE: How to avoid going to court and make it easy on your family to deal with your affairs when you pass away. MEDICAID: Qualify for Long-Term Care Medicaid without spending down all of your assets. DIVORCE: Preserve your children’s inheritance if they divorce. Up to 50% of your assets could walk out the door with your ex in-law. INCAPACITY: Avoid a publicly humiliating and expensive guardianship proceeding if you become legally incapacitated or disabled. Make sure your Advance Directive and Power of Attorney are up-to-date. REMARRIAGE: Prevent your assets from going to a stranger instead of your children if your spouse gets remarried after your death.